Transition Coaching

woman in the mountains looking in the distance with her hair blowing in the wind.

Clients often seek out a transition coach when something confusing, unexpected, or disorienting is happening in their lives. This often occurs when roles change: the adult child starts taking care of their parent(s); the college graduate gets her first real job; or the 70-year-old person who adored his work retires. And there are many other instances when clients find themselves disoriented, needing something different, and feeling thwarted somehow. They try to puzzle things out, and finally, after going it alone without great success, they decide to pluck up their courage and invite in outside support.

Talking to friends is essential, but working with a coach is different. Transition coaching offers both companionship and guidance into the unfamiliar realm of the psyche.

As your coach, I’ll invite you to slow down, focus, explore what purpose means to you. I’ll encourage you to reflect on your experiences, see the bigger picture of your life, look at what is and isn’t working, and listen for your deep knowing. I’ll suggest you try new ways of thinking, responding, relating, and being. In time, you’ll notice clarity and movement in areas where you had been stuck. It’s not only a relief; it’s truly liberating and uplifting.

To learn more about Transition Coaching, read below, see my first blogpost, and contact me directly! Click here for more information about Project Coaching.

  • Coaching starts with the development of a trusting and honest partnership between you and me. Your readiness to increase self-awareness and to view your world from different perspectives energizes the work. Our connection plus your openness, focus, and will enable you to explore, take appropriate risks, and grow.

    Here’s how we’ll collaborate:

    1. Assess Your Current Life - We’ll start by examining your present circumstances. What aspects of your life feel fulfilling? What challenges are you facing? What seems to be missing? This honest reflection lays the foundation for our work.

    2. Uncover Aspirations - We’ll delve into your vision and your deeper hopes. What do you truly want and need? By uncovering aspirations, we create a clearer vision of the changes you seek.

    3. Identify Blocks - We’ll explore obstacles that may be hindering your expression and growth. These could be thought patterns, fears, or external circumstances that keep you from moving forward. Sometimes just uncovering unseen obstacles can loosen things up and encourage movement.

    4. Gain Clarity on Your Purpose - With your aspirations and obstacles clarified, we’ll work to clarify the purpose behind the changes you want to make. This understanding will guide our sessions and help us stay focused on what truly matters to you.

    5. Practice Between Sessions - Some clients leave a coaching session naturally carrying insights from our work into their lives and relationships. Others enjoy having specific practices to work on between sessions. Whichever you prefer, my job is to support your learning and your connection to your own vitality so you bring more of yourself into the world.

    No one achieves anything completely on their own. Contact me to learn more.